Category «Being Happy at Work»
Planning for Success
As we close on yet another year, gone by too fast, it is good to reflect on the year. Reflect on all the good in your life and focus on the changes you want to make in the next. Success in our lives begins with making a few important changes and being able to follow …
Reflecting the Year
When another year comes to an end it is always good to reflect on all the good that has happened. Too many times we focus on the negative and on things that didn’t happen that it becomes hard to realize all the good that happen in one year. With the multiple roles most of us …
Archetypes…Hero? Warrior? Innocent?
I have always been an advocate on learning how we function and process and also learning about those around you. When you know how you process information and what your emotional responses are to situations you get better control over what happens in your life. Learning about how those around you can do the same …
Book Review- A Must Read for Everyone

This book is great for everyone in business. Talk about learning so much in how to understand people and yourself, and just become conscious. The best is I listened to this book through Amazon’s Audible in the car and the author himself narrates it. Fred Kofman has a great voice to listen to and since …
Building Our Team for Success
Here is a post from I wrote for my company newsletter, hope you find it useful. We do not work alone in our business. It takes the whole team to make our business a success. We all play our parts and the more those around us know our strengths and how we work the more …
Book Review – A Great Read for Leadership Knowledge
I am working on my masters on psychology in leadership (From Penn State University) and this book is our staple. Lucky for me it is a great read in general. It discusses all the different styles and types of leadership and addresses issues that surround leadership. I have learned so much with this one book …
The Can’t Rant
I hear it all the time; I know I use it more than I should that word: can’t. It should not be allowed. If you can’t do something, why? You need to figure out what the barrier is keeping you from achieving your goal. Do you need to train more, practice more, maybe you just …
Some great essential oil blends
I love the sense of smell! It can trigger an old treasured memory, make me relax or times can make me happy (like when I’m cooking!). I use essential oils all the time at home and yes at work! I have a lot of individual oils where I create some of my own blends and …