Category «Being Happy at Work»

Engagement at Work – You Can Get It

It is hard to measure an employee’s engagement but there is a feel to it. You know when you are engaged in a task, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re happy -you are focused on it and looking forward to the outcome. There are four main ‘feels’ to engagement which are: the feeling of urgency, being …

Making a Better Today

In the busy day to day life it is important for us to take a step back. Taking a moment to take a deep breath and just absorb all that is going on can help guide us in how we handle situations. We all know everyone is fighting battles and taking time to consider all …

Being a Team Player

Here is a muse on being a team player I wrote for a company newsletter…hope you enjoy! Being a part of a team is an important aspect of work life. It is rare for us to work solely alone never depending on anyone else. It is crucial for success in our business, to be a …

Carpe Diem

Seems simple “seize the day” but how many of us really do it? It takes a conscious effort to really apply this to your everyday life. You are not going to get today back once it’s over, so taking advantage of this time is truly priceless. Try planning your goals out for the day, they …

Learn What Makes YOU Happy

Happiness is such a great thing but it is so different for each one of us. It’s what makes us unique but also what unifies us. It is such a complicated emotion that it comes in so many ways it’s difficult to measure. To isolate exactly what makes us happy is difficult but it seems …

Finding Happiness at Work

After much study of job satisfaction and performance (I so love school!!) it is noted repeatedly there is such a weak correlation, so what is the connection with the two? For one is your self-esteem which has more effect on satisfaction and performance but another factor is happiness…at work. What if we focused more on what made …

Being the Best at Being You

There is no time like the present to find out who you are and who you want to be. In our busy lives we can lose sight of what we want to get out of our work. From time to time you need to reassess where you are and where you want to go, an …

Enjoy Your Day!

I posted below a link below to list of things that we all can change in our lives to create a more enriched and positive life. It doesn’t always take much to change our outlook and small simple changes can have a really big impact. These changes of positivity can also help make the workplace more …

Having a Meaningful Workplace

I will post uplifting posts that I put into my organization’s newsletter I write monthly. I hope you enjoy them as much I enjoy writing them!   In my endeavor for knowledge of business and the inner works of a successful company, I have come across ample amounts of information. In all this information I …