Tag «positive»

The Can’t Rant

I hear it all the time; I know I use it more than I should that word: can’t. It should not be allowed. If you can’t do something, why? You need to figure out what the barrier is keeping you from achieving your goal. Do you need to train more, practice more, maybe you just …

Finding Happiness at Work

After much study of job satisfaction and performance (I so love school!!) it is noted repeatedly there is such a weak correlation, so what is the connection with the two? For one is your self-esteem which has more effect on satisfaction and performance but another factor is happiness…at work. What if we focused more on what made …

Enjoy Your Day!

I posted below a link below to list of things that we all can change in our lives to create a more enriched and positive life. It doesn’t always take much to change our outlook and small simple changes can have a really big impact. These changes of positivity can also help make the workplace more …