Tag «life»

A Fantastic Movie! The Book of Life

As Halloween approaches it reminds me of the different cultures and how holidays become what they are. Recently we stumbled upon a great movie (from 2014) and the timing is perfect. As we celebrate Halloween on October 31st others will begin celebrating the Day of the Dead in Mexico. A great movie to learn the …

Learn What Makes YOU Happy

Happiness is such a great thing but it is so different for each one of us. It’s what makes us unique but also what unifies us. It is such a complicated emotion that it comes in so many ways it’s difficult to measure. To isolate exactly what makes us happy is difficult but it seems …

Enjoy Your Day!

I posted below a link below to list of things that we all can change in our lives to create a more enriched and positive life. It doesn’t always take much to change our outlook and small simple changes can have a really big impact. These changes of positivity can also help make the workplace more …

Where to Begin…

So this is where it begins. A new journey , a new vision, a new freedom of expression. These writings and musings are just a glimpse of life, my life and what have learned and am still learning. I am a lifelong student. I believe when you stop learning is when you stop existing. Who …