As Halloween approaches it reminds me of the different cultures and how holidays become what they are. Recently we stumbled upon a great movie (from 2014) and the timing is perfect. As we celebrate Halloween on October 31st others will begin celebrating the Day of the Dead in Mexico. A great movie to learn the fascinating holiday is The Book of Life (see here for information on the wonderful movie
The Book of Life is with such a excellent story, filled with awesome songs and wonderful characters. My family took the time to learn about how this culture honors its’ dead by always remembering and celebrating their life. It is such a vivid and colorful movie filled with wonder. I highly recommend this movie as it is an awesome animated story as you follow along Manolo, Maria and Joaquin. We own it now and I’m so glad as we watched again today and I just love it, as do Big P and little p. They picked up the guitar after and started playing and singing the songs. I think my favorite character is La Muerte but they have something I like. The Book of Life is an excellent example of how learning about other cultures can actually make feel more connected to people.

Watch it today and I bet it will become one of your favorites too!
Click below for a short trailer of the movie and see why it is so awesome!
The Book of Life Trailer – Enjoy!!