My husband and I are both tackling our Masters. He is going after the sought over MBA and got into a top school (because he rocks!) and mine in I/O psychology. So needless to say our time is…crazy busy. Providing quality time as a family of four, time to connect with each other, managing work and the school workload our time is scarce. So when he traveled off to connect week at his school to start his program off he quickly realized sleep was overrated and will not be in abundance in the future.
{I had already dealt with this having the two little ones so I learned a long time ago sleep just isn’t going to happen.}
But that does not mean you do not get tired as hell. I wait till after the kids are in bed to do school work so at times I’m up to the midnight hour. Yes not the healthiest but a gal has to do what a gal has to do. Back to the tired as hell. Tired. Really tired. This makes getting any work done hard at times because focusing when you’re tired is wasted. I take my vitamins and even added an extra B12, but some days it was just hard and exhausting.
So my husband comes back from a week of the life as a college student (and managed to start an online fraternity and is now nicknamed the Godfather?!?!). He tells me that one of the younger students on campus led him to the most awesome machine to help him fuel up to keep up with the early morning and late nights. The machine is a Monster machine. You know the crazy energy drink, the one I see all the young people drinking. Well guess what, I don’t want to grow up and taking advice from the younger generation is sometimes the best ever. I’m in my mid-thirties and do not think of my college education through the normal view of campus life but I need the same fuel if not more. I no longer have the youth edge and as a mother, wife and everything else…Monster to the rescue.
I’m not a coffee drinker and tea doesn’t come close to the energy boost needed to last all day. All day from like 6:30-7 in the morning to 11:30-midnight. That’s a long day with multitasking, demands, chores, projects, and whatever else comes up. So most days I drink a Monster with my breakfast, I eat in the car after dropping off our 2 little ones on the way to work. I don’t feel jittery or overwhelmed. I drink the zero calorie ones so I don’t take in extra unwanted calories. I also take breaks from them. I’m sure a Monster a day will NOT keep the doctor away. It does help me focus and have energy to get things done, well not everything but pretty darn close. I’m not promoting Monster as a necessity for surviving a life load like I have but just letting you know it helps me accomplish the most out of the time I have each day.
You may want to try it…

Love the zero calorie because I do not need any extra of those! Remember though not too much, moderation…I only have one in a day and take days off. Your health comes first!!!