Yes! We received our second crate, we are super excited!!
The Koala Crate for lil p was Rainbows and the Kiwi Crate for Big P was on Magic Tricks!
They were both so excited and honestly so was I. It is always a fun time when we get to do a crate!
So let’s dive into lil p’s Koala Crate on Rainbows which had three activities to accomplish!

The cloud pillow lil p did with her aunt one night and they had so much fun. She insisted sleeping with it that night and a weeks after, lol. She brought it to school to show off too! It was easy for lil p to do by herself with just having the instructions read to her.

The next night we worked on the rainbow bag which was fun but did challenge her patience as it needed to dry overnight. But I like these projects to show our kids that some things take time. We don’t want to rush through life. It was easy for her to lay out the colored paper and shes decided on no particular pattern.

Then some more fun with getting it all wet. We had fun with this and made some mess, the best part of art!

Then the hard part… letting it dry overnight. It was still a little damp in the morning so we could not add the cloud stickers until the afternoon. Then she played with her new bag all day long.
So Big P’s Kiwi Crate was all about magic tricks! It was fun and easy enough for her to do by herself with barely any assistance at all.
Magic Tricks
First magic trick
This one took a little practiced but it worked well for me as she practiced I worked with lil p on her crate project. It is nice to have most of the project being able to be done by the kids. A plus for me and a great sense of accomplishment for them.
Next Big P got to enjoy her artistic side and decorate a black magic box!
That trick was fun and after a little help she pulled off it off great. Daddy was impressed!
The last trick
magic paper aka static electricity
Back to lil p’s Koala Crate for her stained glass art project. She punched out all the shapes and made her own scene then added the colored paper. I think it tuned out great and she was so proud!
lil p’s stained art
pretty in the sunlight too
Back to it all I got the crates for a gift at Christmas and then decided on a 3 month subscription and now I’m thinking of going for the whole year. It is fun for all of us. I really enjoy them and so does Big P and lil p.