Today is one of my most favorite holidays! This year we were not able to go all out like I would like to do but the celebration is still so awesome. Big P little p got to dress up and go to a Halloween event this weekend and get to do it all over again for school today and trick or treating tonight!
I love how excited they get dressing up and using their imagination. I think it really stimulates their creative brains. We try to keep the costumes out all year so they can play all the time. Plus they can only wear it while it fits and all those mothers out there known they grow so fast. I usually dive right in with a costume too but this year my husband has been so under the weather that dressing up needed to take a back burner. I guess I’m a nurse this year and he’s my patient, hahaha.
I hope you all enjoy a very happy Halloween and the joy of dressing up! Remember be safe and do not eat too much candy 🙂
Also a cool site showing pictures from Mexico City’s first Day of the Dead Parade actually inspired from James Bond Spectre movie. Enjoy!