It is hard to believe it is October already. Where has this year gone? I always thought time went fast but after having kids it is up to warp speed. Do not get me wrong I love the fall and the holidays so I get excited at this time of year as well.
Halloween is always a blast and I love dressing up the little ones who already have their costumes! Big P is Rey from Star Wars and little p is Officer Judy Hopps from Zootopia! I love my girls want to dress up as strong female characters! I love Zootopia, what a great movie and a great message for little ones to learn you really can be anything you want but you do have to work for it. Do not expect hand outs in our house. You ask our little ones what our family motto is and in sync they reply “Work hard, play hard!”. Damn straight!
Back to fall and Halloween! I live in Florida so the weather doesn’t change to much but at least it is not as flipping hot!!! I love the harvest feeling! For costumes I ordered Rey for Big P from the Disney store but for Judy Hopps I ordered through Etsy! It came in great and little p could not be happier with here costume. I ordered the vest, gloves, ears and kneepads with the belt. I found a blue long sleeved shirt and denim leggings and voilà! the Etsy store clover & Bean has super cute kids clothes, I suggest a look through if you get a chance! https://www.etsy.com/shop/cloverandbeantutus?ref=l2-shopheader-name
Now it is time to decorate the house for Halloween! That is the most fun and I remember it being so fun when I was little but now it seems even better. We go all out for Halloween with fake cobwebs all over and spooky lights! I love the LED lights now that do require a plug in. They bring an extra element of spookiness! So bring on the trick or treaters!
I love looking through Pinterest and have a Halloween board based (I put link to Pinterest at the bottom!) on the party we had last year which was a blast! It was themed Super Heros and Super Villians and came out great! Big P was Storm from X-Men and little p was Wonder Women. I was Harley Quinn from Batman and My Hubby was Magento from X-Men!!
I thought you’d like this Board on Pinterest…