Archetypes…Hero? Warrior? Innocent?

I have always been an advocate on learning how we function and process and also learning about those around you. When you know how you process information and what your emotional responses are to situations you get better control over what happens in your life. Learning about how those around you can do the same and help build relationships and create better communication. Carl Jung is known for his work with archetypes (along with many great ideas) and although this may seem like an ancient philosophy it is still relevant to the modern day work force. He explains knowing what archetype you portray, such as the warrior, magician or innocent, can help you learn how your thought and actions tie together in everyday life or in particular situations. There is no right or wrong archetype as we are all individuals and unique but learning about them all can help communicate better. Most of us take on different archetypes depending on the situation but being able to know can give you an advantage. The archetype is still used very much in the world of business and can be useful in such things as training, process development, branding image and leadership. Here is a link on how you can use archetyping in work situations and below in the newsletter there is a link that helps connect the theory to the workplace. Enjoy!


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